Remember your loved ones this Christmas
and together we’ll light up the darkness with love.
Remembered with Love
To my loving husband, always missed so much. In my heart and thoughts forever. Never stopped loving you, your loving wife x
my wonderful husband
Remembered with much love by his wife
Remembered with love
Another year without you 💔 forever in our Hearts, miss you Mom xxxxx
Much missed and thought of every day. xx.
We all love and miss you both every day, Gone but not forgotten xxxx
Forever in our thoughts Love you Mom xxx
Happy Christmas Dad (Grandad) xxx
Always loved and missed xxx
Remembered by
Missed so much today and everyday. Remembering memories that will last forever ❤️
Loved and always in our thoughts.x
God bless Mom and Dad. Loved and missed always. X
Our beautiful Daughter and Sister Adele. Loved and missed more than any words can express. You are forever in our thoughts and hearts. 21 forever. XXX
We miss you everyday and celebrate you in all we do
Gone from our sight, but not from our hearts.
Forever loved, forever in our hearts xx
Missing you
Forever missed, loved always x
Forever missed, Loved always x
To a One in a Million Grandad sadly missed every day . Gone but never Forgotten xx
Remembered with love and missed always
To our beautiful mum. Merry Christmas to the brightest star in the sky, we miss you more each year.
Merry Christmas Mum, there is not a day that goes by that we do not think of you. Hope you having a party up there with Nan and Grandad xx Merry Christmas Nanny in the sky, I love you and I miss you and your my favorite xx
Always in our hearts xx
Missing you as always xxx
Love and miss you x
Loved and missed every day Xxx
Remembered by her daughter & all the family
Fondly remembered every day
Remembered by Mom & Dad
Always in our hearts
Love you always x
Never Forgotten
Still miss you Dad xxxx
Remembered by your daughter
Still very missed and remembered with much love xx
Love you always. Mum & Dad reunited forever x
My Beautiful Mum
We miss you. Our first Christmas without you Dad, and 11th without Mum. We love you both, and although you are not here with us, you are back together, xx
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